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Build UberEats Full Stack Clone Application

Build UberEats Full Stack Clone Application

Build UberEats Full Stack Clone Application

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Welcome to Uber eats clone App development Letโ€™s build Ubereats Clone App Tools and technologies we are going to use

  • Architecture discussion
  • different type of architecture
  • Designing different microservices
  • Defining Deployment stack for application and services
  • Application setup with monorepo solutions
  • Lerna/Nx for monorepo
  • AWS CDK for deploying application
  • github action for CI/CD
  • exploring sveltekit for dashboard app
  • exploring Next JS 13 for UI apps
  • React JS with latest features from end user application
  • Nest JS Microservices for API development
  • next js for end user application
  • svelte kit for managing SSR using SvelteKit
  • React and next js
  • Nests with Node JS
  • SQS and Kafka
  • Twillio and sendGrid
  • Microservices and service communication
  • Express with Node JS and typescript
  • Prisma and TypeORM for services
  • Docker and containerization
  • Mysql and Postgres with MongoDB

Title: Building UberEats Full Stack Clone Application with Nest.js and Next.js - Step-by-Step Tutorial


๐Ÿ” Welcome to an exciting tutorial where weโ€™ll guide you through building a full-stack UberEats clone using the powerful combination of Nest.js and Next.js. Whether youโ€™re a seasoned developer or just starting your coding journey, this tutorial offers valuable insights and hands-on experience.

๐Ÿ”ง What Youโ€™ll Learn:

  • Backend with Nest.js: Begin by setting up the robust backend with Nest.js. Explore the world of TypeScript and build RESTful APIs for user authentication, restaurant management, menu items, and orders.

  • Frontend with Next.js: Dive into Next.js for the frontend. Create responsive and dynamic web pages for customers, restaurant owners, and delivery drivers. Learn about server-side rendering (SSR) for enhanced performance.

  • User Authentication: Implement secure user registration, login, and authentication for customers and restaurant owners. Learn best practices for token-based authentication.

  • Real-Time Features: Add real-time order tracking and notifications using WebSockets and Nest.js. Keep customers and delivery drivers updated on their orders.

  • Geolocation Services: Utilize geolocation services to track delivery drivers in real-time and determine restaurant availability.

  • Payment Integration: Enable online payments for customers through payment gateways like Stripe. Ensure secure and seamless transactions.

  • Deployment: Learn how to deploy your UberEats clone to cloud hosting platforms like Heroku or AWS for global accessibility.

  • Testing and Debugging: Thoroughly test your application, handle errors gracefully, and debug any issues that may arise during development.

๐Ÿš€ Who Should Watch?:

This tutorial is suitable for:

  • Developers: Whether youโ€™re new to coding or a seasoned developer, youโ€™ll gain valuable skills and knowledge.

  • Entrepreneurs: If youโ€™re planning a startup in the food delivery industry, this tutorial can serve as the foundation for your project.

  • Tech Enthusiasts: Curious about the inner workings of food delivery apps like UberEats? Join us on this journey of exploration.

๐ŸŽ“ Prerequisites:

  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript and React is recommended.

  • Familiarity with TypeScript, Nest.js, and Next.js is beneficial but not required. Weโ€™ll cover the essentials.

  • No prior experience with real-time technologies or payment gateways is necessary; weโ€™ll provide clear explanations.

๐Ÿ“š Resources:

  • Download the complete source code and access additional resources on our GitHub repository (link in the video description).

Creating a full-stack UberEats clone application using Nest.js is an ambitious project. Below, Iโ€™ll provide a simplified overview of the key steps involved. Please keep in mind that building such an application requires a deep understanding of both backend and frontend development, as well as the Nest.js framework.


  1. Node.js and npm: Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed on your computer.

  2. Basic Web Development Knowledge: Familiarity with JavaScript, TypeScript, and basic frontend technologies (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) is crucial.

  3. Nest.js: Learn the fundamentals of the Nest.js framework for building scalable and maintainable backend applications.

  4. Database: Choose a database system (e.g., PostgreSQL, MongoDB) for storing user data, restaurant information, menus, and orders.

Steps to Build UberEats Full Stack Clone Application using Nest.js:

  1. Set Up Your Project:

    Start by creating a new Nest.js project:

    npm install -g @nestjs/cli
    nest new uber-eats-clone
    cd uber-eats-clone
  2. Database Configuration:

    Configure your database connection in the src/database/database.module.ts file. You can use an ORM like TypeORM or Prisma to manage your database.

  3. Define Data Models:

    Create data models for users, restaurants, menu items, orders, etc., using decorators provided by Nest.js and your chosen ORM. Define the relationships between these models.

  4. Authentication:

    Implement user authentication using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) or other authentication mechanisms. Ensure that users can sign up, log in, and manage their profiles.

  5. API Endpoints:

    Create RESTful API endpoints for various actions, such as browsing restaurants, viewing menus, placing orders, and tracking order status. Use Nest.js controllers and services for structured API development.

  6. Frontend Development:

    For the frontend, consider using a JavaScript framework like React.js or Angular. Set up your frontend project and connect it to the backend API.

  7. User Interfaces:

    Design and build user interfaces for customers, restaurant owners, and delivery drivers. Implement features like restaurant listings, menu browsing, order placement, and real-time order tracking.

  8. Real-Time Features:

    Integrate real-time features using technologies like WebSockets or libraries like for order tracking, chat, and notifications.

  9. Payment Integration:

    Implement payment processing using payment gateways like Stripe or PayPal to handle customer payments securely.

  10. Testing and Debugging:

    Thoroughly test your application, handle errors gracefully, and debug any issues that arise during development.

  11. Deployment:

    Deploy your application to a hosting platform like Heroku, AWS, or Google Cloud. Configure environment variables for security and sensitive information.

  12. Optimizations:

    Optimize your application for performance, scalability, and security. Implement features like caching, rate limiting, and security measures to protect user data.

  13. Documentation and Maintenance:

    Create documentation for your application, including API documentation for developers who may want to use your platform. Continuously maintain and update your application to ensure it stays up-to-date with technology trends and security best practices.

Building a full-stack UberEats clone is a substantial project that requires careful planning, design, and development. This simplified overview provides a starting point, but youโ€™ll need to dive deeper into each step and possibly use additional libraries and technologies to create a polished and secure application.

๐Ÿ“ข Stay Tuned:

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Hungry for knowledge? Letโ€™s get started and build something amazing together! ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿš—๐Ÿ’จ

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